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How do I take care of my Full Bloom artwork?

Caution should be used whenever it is necessary to clean the surface of your artwork. Use only a clean, damp microfiber cloth applying light pressure to the acrylic surface. Dry or dirty cloths or paper towels may cause surface scratches and create a static charge to the surface attracting dust.

Do not use window cleaning sprays, kitchen scouring compounds or solvents such as acetone, gasoline, or lacquer thinner to clean your image as this may cause permanent damage to your image.

Where should and shouldn’t I hang my picture?

To help ensure optimum longevity, it is best to follow these hanging tips:

  • Avoid hanging your art in direct sunlight.
  • Hang your prints high enough on the wall so children cannot reach them.
  • Hanging your prints in high-traffic areas makes them more susceptible for falling off the wall; ensure that your pieces are securely fastened.
  • Hang your prints in an environment with stable temperatures and away from air conditioning or heating vents.
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